My latest podcast obsession has been keeping me busy with reading suggestions. BookTalk, etc. is hosted by two of my book besties, Renee and Tina, and they have no shortage of amazing recommendations. A recent episode mentioned Confessions by Kanae Minato. A book about revenge in all it's dark glory. After reading the synopsis, I knew this was a book for me. It is dark, manic and engrossing. A truly unique thriller told from multiple narrators and from multiple mediums, including diary entries.
Middle school science teacher Yoku Moriguchi is mourning the loss of her four year old daughter. Moriguchi is resigning from her teaching position, but not before she gives her students a lecture and uncovers that two of her students murdered her daughter. What happens next is a spiraling chain of events that unravel while Moriguchi gets her revenge.
Mel's Thoughts:
Confessions is a book in translation and was unique in the sense that the reader learns who the murderer is within the first chapter. Usually, there is a "who dun it" aspect, but Confessions is not that book. You know pretty early on who the murderer is and what happened, but the story unravels into how Moriguchi gets her revenge.
Each chapter is told from a different perspective and provides a little more clarity into the chain of events that transpired and how they influenced the future trajectory of the story. It's dark, disturbing and twisted. One of those books where after I finished it, I thought, how do people come up with this stuff?!
An added bonus, this book is a mere 240 pages and one you will fly through easily in one sitting.
4 - 4.5 stars